June 18, 2011

Edward and Bella in....Branson?

So every year me and my family make the trek to Branson, MO. We love it up there. Well this year we took the girls to the Hollywood Wax Museum. Half the time they would be like 2 ft away from the figures cause they were terrified they figures would come to life. Except my 4 yr old...she LOVED the place.
Well this year they had Edward and Bella...and my daughters couldn't get enough. They were all up on Edward lol
But dear lord Edward was cross-eyed!!
Me thinks Eddie was "handled" one too many times by the ladies!
But of course I had to get in on one of the pics!
Maybe next year Edward's eyes will be fixed.

1 comment:

  1. It looks more like Joe Jonas. LOL on the eye
