September 10, 2011

Kiersten White gets new book deal!

Kiersten White, author of the bestselling series Paranormalcy, gets a 4 book deal with HarperTeen.

Here is the excerpt from Publishers Weekly:
"In a major acquisition, Erica Sussman at HarperTeen bought four new books by Kiersten White. Agent Michelle Wolfson at Wolfson Literary brokered the world rights deal for White, whose third book in her current bestselling YA series at HarperTeen, Paranormalcy, will come out next summer. Wolfson called the first book in the deal, Mind Games, a “dark thriller”; it follows two teenagers, with special powers, operating in a world where corporations rely on psychics and mind-readers. The deal also includes two standalone books, as well as a sequel to Mind Games. One of the standalones, Flood and Stone, is about the progeny of an Egyptian god who’s trying to escape the drama within her family. HarperTeen plans to publish two books per year starting in winter 2013."

This is fabulous news!!

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