December 28, 2011

Top 10 with Author Janell Rhiannon

Please welcome Author Janell Rhiannon to the blog today. Her book Invisible Wings was recently published. A paperback edition will be released in January 2012.
1. fav song/singer?
I thought this was going to be easy, then I started thinking....I would have to go with Aerosmith. I love Steven Tyler. I don't care if he is as old as my dad. I've loved his voice since I was 12. Can I throw in I love movie soundtracks? I listen to the soundtrack to The Fountain all the time. Last Samarai, Troy, Tales From Earthsea...
2. fav season?
I love the Springtime. For some reason I really love cleaning, gardening, writing, and reading in Spring. It's like I come out of hibernation and become a super-woman in my own mind.
3. worst vacation?
One time I went to New York City, my favorite city, with someone who was crabby and complained a lot. That was awful. Never do that again.
4. guilty pleasure?
Sunday all day pajama day (and I mean all day) watching movies on On Demand...or watching marathon sessions of SVU.
5. fav book and/or author?
Classic book: The Odyssey by Homer
Cold Mountain by Brandon Frazier.
OMG! I can't narrow it down. I started making a list then deleted it.
6. one item you cannot live without?
a pen and paper...I have to write. If I don't have those on me and the Muse speaks, I start writing on napkins, receipts, my hand...I'm afraid I'll forget what I was thinking about. I've even voice mailed myself an idea.
Can I add COFFEE? Yea, I can't even start my day without it.
7. hobby?
LOL, writing.
8. fav movie/actor/actress?
My favorite movie is The 300.
Favorite actor: Hugh Jackman. I love Wolverine so much my neighbor calls me Wolverine and I call her Sabertooth. Yea, we're weird.
9. fav food?
Anything spicey...Sushi....Dragon Rolls....Taco Salad...
10. who would you like to meet? (dead or alive?)
Alexander the Great. I think he is one of the biggest mysteries...we all know "what" he did, but why just stumps everyone. I bet he was one of those people who exuded magnetic energy. Plus I read somewhere that he never had body odor...I'd like to check that out. Weird, but true. What about Brad Pitt as Achilles, does that count?
Oh goodness, we had a waiter lastnight at the Mexican restaurant that looked like a young Wolverine. I wish I could have taken his picture without him noticing. Thanks for your awesome answers!
Get in touch with Janell...


  1. Thank you so much for doing that interview! OMG, I am not funny at all!!!
