March 31, 2012

Top 10 with Author Mande Matthews

Everyone welcome Mande Matthews to the blog today!
She is the author of Bonded and it's out for you to pick up a copy.

Hallad Avarson's vow to protect a mysterious warrior maiden pits his best friend against him, endangers the life of his little sister, and leads him into a treacherous realm of magic and intrigue.

This richly imagined epic fantasy transports readers into a tale of seductive power, heart-wrenching love, and edge-of-your seat thrills, while following inspiring young heroes and heroines as they discover their abilities and destinies interweave with the fate of a captivatingly original world.

1. fav song/singer?
Oh, gee. Now I'm gonna look like a complete geek on the first response. Mozart's 41st symphony. *apologetic shrug*

2. fav season?
Winter! I love 30 degree weather with a fresh coat of powdry, shimmering snow on the ground, and the stillness it evokes.

3. worst vacation?
On the rare occassion I've actually gone on a vacation, I cherish them. So I can't cop up to ever having a worst.

4. guilty pleasure?
Reruns of Xena Warrior Princess and Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix.

5. fav book and/or author?
All time favorite - Terry Brooks, Sword of Shanara. But Robert Jordan is a close number two.

6. one item you cannot live without?
Laptop with an internet connection.
7. pet peeve?
Lying, cheating, using. Oh, and dirty socks and underwear left on the floor, espcially within sight of the laundry basket.

8. fav movie/actor/actress?
Amadeus for the movie. Antonio Banderas for the actor. Charlize Theron for the actress.

9. fav food?
Chocolate. Chocolate nibs. Chocolate with almonds. Chocolate in coffee. Chocolate ice cream. Did I mention chocolate?

10. who would you like to meet? (dead or alive?)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mother Theresa. Ghandi. Jesus. And Stephen Tyler. Not necessarily in that order. ;-)
Could you imagine, all those people you would love to meet, all in one place??
That would be epic!!

Where to find Mande...

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