June 24, 2012

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by
Thanks to Shelly Crane for gifting me Taking Faith!
Click on book to see it's goodreads page

Free on Smashwords
Click on book to see it's goodreads page

I have reviewed Remembering Zane before but it was just recently re-released with more chapters added to it. So I will do an additional review.
click to see the Barnes and Noble page

Also I won a signed, yes I said signed copy of City of Lost Souls from book nook.
Not a great pic..but who cares...IT'S SIGNED!


  1. Yay for a signed copy of COLS. I missed Cassandra Clare when she was in Australia last year.

    You can check out my IMM here: http://sapphireddragon.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/in-my-mailbox-27.html

    Have a great week and happy reading :)

  2. I need to read that series by Shelly. I haven't had a chance yet. I hope you love Ethereal! I love that series, but it also stresses me out to the max! LOL

  3. Glad you got your signed copy okay! :) Enjoy it!

    Ashley from booknook
