Today I have a dear friend on the blog. I got to meet her a couple times at some conventions based on a book nobody has probably heard of...Twilight...ring a bell? She writes fanfic and I have been itchin to get her over here to answer a few questions.
What got you into writing fanfic? I started writing fanfic back in 2009. A friend of mine was writing a Twilight fanfic story, and I thought to myself 'How awesome would it be if I could do something like that?' A few days later a plot bunny sprung up and I ran with it. That plot bunny became my first WIP, Endless Night. Once I posted that fic (which wasn't until the fall of 2011), a second plot bunny came out of left field, and eventually turned into my second WIP, Hot Commodity. Once I got started posting I just couldn't stop!

Do you go by an outline? Or is this something you play by ear? I've outlined some of the later chapters in Hot Commodity so I keep the story moving in the right direction, but other than that I pretty much just play by ear. I have a notebook for each story where I keep key information and details, but that's the only real planning device I use, and that isn't even for planning, it's just to keep continuity.
What is your dream cast for your fanfic? Oh my gosh... dream cast as in if my fanfic were a movie? Hmm. I'll just use Hot Commodity for this question. I've never really envisioned anyone outside of the Twilight cast when writing, mostly because I'm writing Twilight fanfiction. I think the only difference I'd make would be using Zooey Deschanel or Mila Kunis as my Bella. I've always envisioned one of those two filling that role.
Give us a blurb for your story... A blurb? Hot Commodity is the longest WIP I have currently, and probably the one that more people would recognize if you lined them all up in a row and read the titles off. That being said, the story is a comedy in my eyes, with a bit of romance, friendship, and of course some angst mixed in along the way. Edward is a tad on the arrogant side, Bella is strong and independent, and the secondary characters provide plenty of humor (Mike) and fluffy moments (Rose and Alice). The story starts with a bet and grows from there, both in plot and the nature and strength of character relationships. There's a few characters who are working toward redemption along the way, and a few others who might push readers' buttons. Essentially I'm telling a tale of two people whose past experiences leave them leery of love, but who just might hold the key to lead one another straight to it. I never make the road for my characters too easy, and I don't want to give away much here, so just expect some laughs, aww moments, a tear jerker or two, and a few scenes that may provoke frustration.
Hot Commodity can be found here:
My penname in the fanfic community is blueeyedcherry, and I can be found here: or on my blog
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