(Photo taken from author's goodreads page)
Isn't she gorgeous? Well you should hear her talk! Very British!! Her book BLACK CITY is out and I look forward to reading it soon.
*What would you be doing right now if you were not an author?
I'd be an illustrator. I love to draw-it's the thing I do to relax! I actually drew the map in PHOENIX.
*5 years ago...what were you doing?
I was working as a website editor for the ICAEW
*Do you have a certain writing ritual?
I try to get up at 8:30 am. Get some marketing/emails done. Then crack-on with writing until about 7pm. Spend some time with the hubs, then continue working from 11pm-3am.
*What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
I have been asked "When are you going to write 'real' books" (books for Adults) grrrrrr
*Ever fangirled over another author? Who was it?
I fan girl over loads of authors! I was pretty star-struck when I met Morgan Rhoides as I loved FALLING KINGDOMS!
*Is there an author you'd like to meet?
I would give ANYTHING to meet J.K. Rowling!! <3 i="">
*Do you read other's reviews of your books?
Only if the reviewer sends me a link! I don't go searching for them.
Fun Five:
Fav Color: Pink
Fictional Character you'd like to spend the day with: Four (nom, nom, nom)
Fav Food: Yorkshire pudding (It's a British thing.)
Fav Song and/or singer: It's mega cheesy but "She's Like the Wind" From Dirty Dancing soundtrack. As it brings back good memories.
Guilty Pleasure: Extreme Couponing (Tv show)
Get in touch with Elizabeth here...
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See what Beth Revis had to say HERE
and Fiona Paul HERE
and Jessica Spotswood HERE
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