March 29, 2013

Say What? Beta Reader: Helpful or Hurtful to an Author?

This post may ruffle a few feathers or no one may read it at all. I am just wanting to hear some thoughts on the whole thing and see what you all think. So please feel free to leave a comment on the matter below...

I recently finished a book and at the very end the author accidently called one of the characters a different name…twice. I immediately emailed the author and asked about this typo. Turns out it was just a little something she let accident of sorts. The author had to then go change the book and upload new versions. She congratulated me for spotting it and said that none of her beta readers had even noticed.
That leads me to my question. Are beta readers doing their job? Are they giving authors the honest opinion about the book at hand or just letting them hear what they want to hear? Stroking their ego so to speak.
This is not the first time I had been told that I had caught something that was detrimental to the story. It has happened 2 or 3 other times. I am not talking about word typos like when an author uses 'you're' or 'your' in the wrong way. No, more like holes in the plot or characters given the wrong name, or even conversations between characters that never happened. These things can confuse a reader and turn them off your book in a heartbeat.
Now I am not saying that all beta readers are bad. Nope, not at all. I know there are some amazing ones out there. I know a few. In fact, I even dabbled in it once or twice. And with reviews piling up, it is just not something I can devote much time to.  But it makes me wonder if they are reading the book for the author to give their honest opinion and point out facts/errors or are they reading a book to get a first look for free?
So I want to hear from you out there that have used beta readers, are using them now, or if you are a beta reader yourself. What are your thoughts about them? Let me know!


  1. I write reviews but am also a Beta Reader. I always tell an author before they send me their work that I am brutally honest and I don't look for grammar and spelling errors, they have editors for that, I look for plot holes and just bad writing. I can't tell you how many authors have only used me once because they did not like my comments. I also tell them that my comments are just my opinion, take them or not, it doesn't matter I'm just offering. Sometimes they take what I say, sometimes they don't. I tell first time authors they need at least two, ideally more than that, beta readers and they should not be family or friends. I write reviews for The Paranormal Romance Guild, we actually offer beta reading as a service to our authors as a service.

    1. Your point about Authors only using you once could be a whole other talking point in the future. Are Authors too sensitive to criticism? Thanks for your feedback :)

  2. I am just a reader, I don't beta read or review (except on goodreads and amazon), but I have even started wondering the same thing about beta readers and even some bloggers. I follow a lot of blogs and will buy and read books off their recommendations. Lately though, I have noticed how some give every single book they beta read or read for review AMAZING reviews. I go read the book and noticed little things that don't quite make sense or I feel things don't flow well or just something that doesn’t make the book perfect; then, I notice other readers feel the same way I do. I know everyone has their own opinion, but every single book cannot be perfect. So are the beta readers and/or bloggers being honest or just giving the authors what they want to hear. I don't know, but I just feel like they should read and honestly review a book. The authors and readers, or at least I, would respect their opinion more. I’m glad you addressed this in a post because I’ve been noticing and wondering about this too and I'm just a reader. It’s nice to know it’s not just me lol :)

    1. thanks for your input!! and you still are a reviewer when you add them to amazon and goodreads. Authors want more people to leave reviews there. :)

  3. I think this is a good point. I think it's important that beta readers are doing their job. And I know some authors have said in the past that they don't get an editor, just beta readers, and I don't think that's right at all. Like loves to dive said, the editor is there to pick up the editing mistakes. But I think having 4 or more beta readers + an editor is very important.

    1. oh gosh!! yes...beta readers and editors are 2 totally different things and the author should use both!! thanks for commenting :)

  4. See I have wondered that myself. I don't Beta Read but do find things that are wrong in stories. I don't usually email on them because I don't want to make them feel bad and honestly a little typo here and there doesn't really bother me--I'm all about the story. I guess I should let the authors in on the big mistakes. I think alot of people are out for free books now days it seems but maybe I am just getting cynical with all the piracy and such.

  5. I've only been a beta reader once, and I volunteered when I saw a writer asking for them. I wrote everything I thought all the way through the whole book - anything I was confused about that I felt might need to be cleared up, anything that seemed way wacky, etc.

    I felt comfortable giving my honest opinion, and I gave it in a very respectful manner. The author really appreciated my views. I think I was lucky in finding someone who is secure enough in herself that she didn't take what was said personally.

    It has to be tough being a writer and putting yourself out there, but you also need a thick skin because not everyone is going to love your work. If there are plot holes and the like, then those things really need to be worked out, or else the reviews are really going to be brutal.
