April 23, 2014

TEMPTATION by Karen Ann Hopkins


Author: Karen Ann Hopkins

Source: Paperback from Amazon

Your heart misleads you.
That's what my friends and family say. 

But I love Noah.
And he loves me. 

We met and fell in love in the sleepy farming community of Meadowview, while we rode our horses together through the grassy fields and in those moments in each other's arms.

It should be 


forever, easy.

But it won't be.

Because he's Amish.
And I'm not.

My take...
I adored this book so, so very much. I loved Noah even though at times he drove me mad. But his simple ways was a huge selling point. There are days I think of how great it would be to shed all the unnecessary items of the modern world and just be. Just be. That is all. No cell phones, no reality crap tv, no distractions. But then there are days I realize I'd be a fish out of water, gasping for air (technology) begging for the use of my cell phone and car.

Yes, I did mention that Noah drove me mad. So here is the deal. Noah and Rose's relationship escalates rather quickly. But that is just how it is for Noah and his people. Rose has the excuse that she is only 16. I remember being the exact same way at that age. I just knew I was going to marry my first love (also a forbidden relationship) and we'd be happy ever after. (We didn't, and I couldn't be happier.) But anyhow, the immediate love is not my problem. No, that all falls on Noah. The boy expects Rose to do all the sacrificing in the name of love. He wants her to leave her family and everything she has ever known to become Amish. Never once did he even remotely consider doing it himself and become English, besides in a fleeting thought. That is what made me mad.

But this was a brilliant and amazing love story because even though both were so wrong for each other in the eyes of their world, they still loved each other and fought for a way to be together. Even at their lowest, they still held out for the smallest of hope that it would all work out in the end. And that hope is what kept me reading and reading to the end. I had to know would if it work out. Would they still feel the same at the end? It definitely is an addicting storyline that is for sure.

4 Stars and I look forward to when I can start the next book in the series. I have to know if the choices that were made were for the best or if there is change coming. It worries me and excites me where the book left off for what is to come.

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