March 2, 2015

Read an Excerpt of UNDENIABLY CHOSEN by Shelly Crane #WinAnARC #Giveaway

Ava has watched her parents, Caleb and Maggie, live the perfect fairy tale, the perfect love story, played out in front of her eyes her entire life. Her family is love, life, and happiness. The Jacobsons are everything a family should be and Ava is loved and well taken care of. But the one thing that’s missing from her life is the one thing she’s waited for every day, the one thing her kind knows will make them complete, the one thing they thought was gone and lost forever.

Her significant.

Seth has lived with the Watsons his entire life. They’re the only family he knows, but he knows that there are things they keep from him. He knows that they lie and they do unspeakable evil, things from when he was a child that he can barely remember that cling to the edges of his memory. He barely remembers his real mother and all he knows is what he’s told. He doesn’t know what to trust. He wants to believe that the Watsons love and care for him, have his best interest at heart, but isn’t so sure of that anymore when he finally—after a lifetime of waiting for her—meets his soulmate, and the Watson’s first act is to try to take her away from him.

The Virtuoso worlds collide, hearts are exposed, humans are endangered, and the lives of Seth and Ava are changed forever. They’ll have to love without judgment or reservation, they’ll have to be wise and accepting beyond their years, they’ll have to forgive for things before they’ve even happened, they’ll have to trust without seeing, have faith without knowing, and they’ll have to light their own way in the dark when everyone else is blind to show them the way. And more than anything else…

they’ll fight like hell to keep each other.

Pre-order links:

Amazon and paperback will be available on release day!!

I stopped before the door, my feet itched, torn between running away and running to the boy who held my heartbeat in his chest.
With soft, whispering pleadings in my head, I turned back and came to him as he stood perfectly still. He opened his arms and accepted me with a deep, contented sigh. I pressed my forehead to his chin, closing my eyes and letting our touch carry me away to a second’s worth of bliss. It was worth every bit of agony and embarrassment and torment. His palm coasted down the back of my arm before settling on the back of my neck. His thumb came around under my chin to tilt my head back. He stared, so close to my face. He could have kissed me and, who knew, I might have let him in that moment. I was so blissed out and encumbered in the moment and situation. 
He murmured quietly, “Can I see you later?”
He wanted to see my eyes when he asked me that question. That’s why he tilted my head back. He didn’t want to come if I didn’t truly want him there. He was begging me not to give up on him.
“Why don’t you just wait and see how it goes. I’d hate for you make plans, them not work out, and you feel guilty.”
He licked his lip a little in thought. “Can I see you later?” he repeated as though nothing else had been spoken between us.
I let my breath go slowly. “Yeah,” I whispered.

A signed copy of Undeniably Chosen (US Only)
An ebook of Undeniably Chosen (INT)

Shelly is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author from a small town in Georgia and loves everything about the south. She is wife to a fantastical husband and stay-at-home mom to two boisterous and mischievous boys who keep her on her toes. She hoards paperbacks, devours sweet tea, searches year-round for candy corn, and loves to spend time with her family and friends, go out to eat at new restaurants, site-see in the new areas they travel to, listen to music, and, of course, loves to read, but doesn't have much time to these days with all the characters filling her head begging to come out.

Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn't go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.


​Significance FREE links



  1. Is this international?

  2. I truly can't wait for this book I have read all your books truly incredible.<3
