January 24, 2016

Love & Decay: Revolution Vol 1 by Rachel Higginson {Review/Giveaway}

It’s not easy being a badass Zombie killer. But somebody’s got to do it.

Page Parker grew up in the aftermath of the Zombie Apocalypse. She grew up running from Zombies and fighting against the constant threat of death and disease. She knows what it’s like to suffer, to go hungry, to hurt… to lose loved ones.
But Page isn’t a little girl anymore.
And she’s no longer satisfied with the quaint life her family has carved out in their remote research station. She craves conflict. She demands retribution. She will stop at nothing until she has her revenge.
Matthias Allen is responsible for her older brother’s death. For her family’s banishment from the former United States. He’s killed, he’s tortured and now he runs his Colony with all the cruel brutality of an evil tyrant.
Someone needs to make him pay for his sins.
And since she was nine-years-old, Page has believed that person to be her.
She’ll just have to convince her family to leave their home, travel the length of South America and take on a psychotic dictator first.
Love and Decay: Revolution is a Dystopian Romance Novella Series about Zombies, the end of the world and finding someone to share it with. Every L&D Volume is a compilation of four episodes and approximately 80,000 words long. Look for Love and Decay: Revolution, Volume Two coming March 18th, 2016.

I remember very well, a while back, Higginson asking me what I thought about a series with Page as the main character. Did I think it would be something the readers would want? I remember thinking heck yeah!! We have been with Page for so long now that how could we not want her story. Especially with all that she has been through. There is so much that could come from this sweet and lovable girl. 

Years of zombie killings and running from inhuman creatures have that little girl as a forgotten memory. Now Page is 18 and has grown into a woman. A badass, zombie fighting woman. A woman who leaps without fear and without thinking of the consequences if she knows that someone she loves may be in trouble. This is the girl the Parkers raised. This is the woman she turned out to be. Fierce and protective. Yet, still sweet and full of love. 

The Parkers are settled and raising their families in comfort and safety. Well, as much comfort and safety as you can surrounded by zombies all while searching for a cure. But Page has dreams. She would like to return to what remains of the United States and finish Matthias once and for all. She would like to give her old home a chance to flourish without having to cower to a tyrant. And she just may get her chance. As long as she can convince everyone in her family. 

Four fabulous episodes full of zombies and mayhem. Full of romance and evil. Four episodes that will have you loving Page even more than before. 5 Stars!


Amazon: Coming Soon
Barnes and Noble: Coming Soon

Catch up on the Revolution
Episode 1: Amazon | BN
Episode 2: Amazon | BN
Episode 3: Amazon | BN
Episode 4: Amazon | BN

Rachel Higginson is the author of The Five Stages of Falling in Love, Every Wrong Reason, The Star-Crossed Series, Love & Decay Novella Series and much more!
She was born and raised in Nebraska, and spent her college years traveling the world. She fell in love with Eastern Europe, Paris, Indian Food and the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka, but came back home to marry her high school sweetheart. Now she spends her days writing stories and raising four amazing kids.

Website: http://www.rachelhigginson.com/

Blog Tour Schedule:
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Alpha Fangirl Book Blog                Excerpt
Those Crazy Book Chicks               Excerpt
January 24th                    
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Extreme Bookaholics Blog            Excerpt
Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps            Review
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Us Girls &  A Book           Review
Love N Books                    Review
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Book Whisperer                              Review
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Alpha Book Club               Excerpt

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