August 1, 2017

Now Live: TS901 by Stacey Rourke & Tish Thawer {Excerpt/Giveaway}

Stacey Rourke & Tish Thawer
Publication date: August 1st 2017
Genres: Dystopian, New Adult

Tainted water for the good of the people. Fluoride and vitamins to sustain the health of the human race. Added ingredients to extend and elevate the quality of life. All good things, right?
Thia Kelly has been changed by the TS901 chemical in the world’s water supply. Now, forced into hiding with the other inflicted outcasts, she struggles to survive as her powers emerge.
Evan Daniels hunted for others like himself, and finding Thia suddenly brought meaning back into his life. Love blossomed between the strange couple while they searched for a way to reverse the effects. Unfortunately, the Government had something else in mind.
Super-soldier creation on a mass scale was their end goal, and thanks to an unfortunate family tie, Evan became Patient #1.
Good-guy? Bad-guy? The world isn’t sure, but Thia is left with only one choice––save the ass of the world’s first Anomaly who just happens to be her boyfriend.

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Clicking her tablet to life for a bit of background noise provided by the morning newscast, Thia set her wash basin onto the rickety table she purchased off a scavenger for a stack of linens and some extra antibiotics. After snagging a gallon of water from her dwindling supply, she filled the basin. Twisting her hair into a knot on the back of her head, Thia splashed water on her face and under her arms. She was scrubbing away the last traces of sleep when a name snuck from a breaking news report, chilling her in a way the tepid water never could. As she patted her face dry, her full attention was diverted to the pixelated picture on the dated tablet.
“Evan Daniels, known by many as Patient One of the TS901 strain, is wanted for questioning by authorities in the death of two Russian dignitaries. Viewers will recall the TS901 chemical was to be a supplement of biological vitamins intended to enhance strength and health when it was released into the public water supply. It was soon found that elements within the cocktail attacked the DNA of certain individuals, causing an outbreak of mutations.” Eyes flicking effortlessly over the teleprompter, the reporter pressed on without a hint of emotion. “Upon infection, Daniels, the son of a decorated Marine, developed superhuman strength and speed. He was then enlisted to an elite task force with the military, and became the public face of the TS901 cause. While once considered a hero, officials now warn that Evan Daniels should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. Anyone that encounters him is advised to call 9-1-1 immediately. Do not approach him. A ten-thousand-dollar reward is being offered to anyone who can provide information that will help lead to his capture.”
Thia held the towel in a tight fist, approaching the tablet with tentative steps. The newscaster’s face vanished from the screen, replaced by a publicity photo of Evan. The breath caught in her throat as Thia swallowed down the pain of the scar on her long-wounded heart suddenly being ripped open again.
It had been so long since she laid eyes on him, yet he strode through her dreams in vivid detail every time she closed her eyes. The smell of his skin. The curve of his lips. The pulse that coursed through her core every time their eyes met. Those bits of dwindled magic lingered in her memory, snuffed out in her wakeful hours by the reality of the shattered mess he left her world in when he turned his back on them all.
Jelly legs refusing to hold her, Thia sat down hard on the edge of her hammock. For a beat, she stared straight ahead without seeing.
“You thought you knew better than any of us, you dumb son of a bitch,” she growled to the ghost of Evan’s presence, which had long faded from those walls, “I will find you … just to prove to you how wrong you were.”

2017 – #1 Bestseller in Historical Fiction (Witches of BlackBrook)
2015 – Best Cover – Penned Con (The Witches of BlackBrook)
2015 – Readers Choice Award – Blogger Choice Awards (The Witches of BlackBrook)
Bestselling and Award Winning Author, Tish Thawer, writes paranormal romances for all ages. From her first paranormal cartoon, Isis, to the Twilight phenomenon, myth, magic, and superpowers have always held a special place in her heart.
Tish is known for her detailed world-building and magic-laced stories. Her work has been compared to Nora Roberts, Sam Cheever, and Charlaine Harris. She has received a RONE Award nomination (Reward of Novel Excellence), as well as nominations for Best Cover, Reader’s Choice, and Author of the Year (Fantasy, Dystopian, Mystery).
Tish has worked as a computer consultant, photographer, and graphic designer, and is a columnist for Gliterary Girl media and has bylines in RT Magazine and Literary Lunes Magazine. She resides in Colorado with her husband and three wonderful children and is represented by Gandolfo, Helin, and Fountain Literary Management.
You can find Tish on Facebook at

RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013
Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal Winner for Crane 2015
Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series, the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga, and the romantic comedy Reel Romance Series. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.
Visit her at
or on Twitter or instagram at Rourkewrites.


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