September 20, 2012

Review: Lucky in Love by Karina Gioertz

Title: Lucky in Love

Author: Karina Gioertz

Source: ebook from author for review


Most days Lucky doesn’t mind being single. And why would she? Between her three male roommates, there’s always someone around to keep her company. But then as relationships evolve and change, Lucky soon finds herself being left behind.
When Lucky’s birthday rolls around and she finds herself being the only one without a date in a room full of people, she has to face the sad truth that the three men in her life all have women in their lives that aren’t her. Lucky finally asks herself how she wound up there. Has love been avoiding her…or has she been avoiding love?

My take...
You would think that a girl living with 3 hotties would see a little action. Oh yeah, Lucky saw some action oh right! Unfortunately it was Noah and his latest fling's action Lucky just happened to stumble upon. You see Lucky lives in the house her Grandma Pearl left her and overtime she acquired a few roommates...who all happen to be males. But they are some of the best guys you could ask for. They are her family…right down to the Saturday brunch they rarely miss. But what happens when all the guys have relationships and Lucky is left alone? Will she stuck it up and move on in her life? Or will she continue down the path of loneliness?

I absolutely loved Lucky’s character. I found her to be a perfect female lead for a book. She stood her ground at times, but not in an overbearing way. I sometimes cannot stand a female character that is too strong. She needs to have some weaknesses to prove she is human. And Lucky was just that. She had a few secrets, but soon found out as time went on that someone was privy to them. Someone cared enough to look closer at her without her knowing and see the real Lucky.

But Lucky wasn’t the only great character…the guys were just as fabulous. Each one was different with wonderful qualities to their name. I know when I was in college and I had a male roommate…he was nothing like these guys. Each one acted like the best friend or the big brother towards Lucky; each possessing a sense of protectiveness for Lucky. It was great. And again I ask myself how did I not get this lucky? (No pun intended.)

I flew through this book finding I could not get enough of it. It was just too adorable! I found myself smiling at a lot of the stuff that went on. But I also found myself wanting to scream at a certain character if he wouldn’t grow up and man up! And that ending…oh that silly ending!! It was too funny. Yeah, the author could probably do a spin off about that stupid couch. LOL! Seriously though, if you are looking for a fun read with a touch of romance then Lucky in Love is just the book you are looking for. 

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