August 29, 2014

Review: ALL THAT REMAINS by Michele G. Miller


Author: Michele G. Miller

Source: eARC from author


Storms come and go, but true love remains.

Fear, guilt, and jealousy all rear their ugly heads as Jules and West strive to figure out what they want now that they've emerged from the wreckage of the storm.

A year has passed since the night Jules Blacklin and West Rutledge were thrown together by a tornado.

Now college freshmen, they’ve worked hard to overcome the tragedies of their pasts to start anew.

As they embark on their future, there is one last obstacle standing in the way of them finding complete happiness: themselves.

Please do not read my review if you have yet to read the previous book. It may very well contain spoilers.

My take...

"I will always do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy, Jules. That's what it means to love someone."
Her breath catches at his declaration, even as her mind screams for her to run before he breaks her heart again.

Starting college at Texas A&M was always a dream of Jules. But in the past year that dream merged with starting it with West by her side. Only now everything was shattered when West left her while still in a coma. Telling herself and any one that will listen...Jules is trying to make herself believe that she is over him; even to the point of hating him. But telling yourself and truly believing it are two different things. Will she be able to climb out of the ruins?

I hate writing a review for a last book of a series. It is the absolute worst for me to write. I just know I will give things away. So I am not going to go far into in to at all. I will say this book (this series) moved me. It was an addiction every time I finished one of them. I had to have more of the story…more of the characters. Waiting, though not long between books like some series, was unbearable. I longed to know what would happen and how they would work through their pain. Would they work through their pain?

This series has been a favorite of mine from the moment I started the very first book. I was always telling people to get the first book because I knew they would eagerly go after the next. I was enthralled with the plot, in love with its characters, and always finished each book with a smile on my face…even when life wasn’t going the way the characters intended. (I knew things would work themselves out; they had to!!) With each book I became more involved and more devoted on seeing it to the end. Yes, this series had me and I prayed it never let go. I feared the end and would gladly read more if the author allowed it. (Psst…stay tuned! This may become a reality.)

So there you have it…a review that is not really a review. Or is it? I don’t know. Just know I wholeheartedly recommend this book and all the ones before it. Miller is a fabulous author that I will always be impatiently waiting for her next book! 5 Glorious Stars.

It is the sweetest madness he has ever known.
And he never wants to lose this feeling.

You can get book one, FROM THE WRECKAGE for FREE!!

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