September 1, 2017

4*Review: VIVIAN'S RING by Lila Felix & Elle Kimberly


Authors: Lila Felix & Elle Kimberly

Source: Kindle Unlimited



Vivian’s favorite word is alone. She lives in solitude, writing under a pen name and existing in a shadow of a life.

She’s got her career and her books.

Brent wanted one thing in Vegas and one thing only-to get his favorite author’s autograph on his favorite novel-a novel in which the main character could’ve been based on him.

Standing in line with a book in hand, he never suspected that the one girl who left him in that small town to pursue her dreams and crush his heart would be the same woman who wrote the novels he obsessed over.

He certainly didn’t mean to get drunk and marry her in Vegas.

My take…

The day I left this town, I cried. My tears were only for Brent. The dates I went on in college never lasted because they weren’t him. They didn’t have his smile, his eyes, or his charisma. When I left college, my focus was only on getting published. Then my fictional world took over my real life.
Until Las Vegas and seeing him.

I am loving this whole series theme on second chance love. I adore reading books on people that find their way back to one another and work through the issues that once tore them apart.

I also loved that Vivian is this amazing, successful author. It always makes me smile seeing characters that love books, especially ones that are authors or book bloggers. I only wish there would have been more Brent to the story. It felt like we didn’t get a whole lot of his side or what he had been doing the last 10 yrs or so. Although, how sweet is it that he went to a book signing to meet his favorite author...all for it to turn out to be the girl that broke his heart. My heart fluttered reading this.

VIVIAN’S RING is such a cute, quick read! If you are needing a light hearted-warm and fuzzy- read then look no further. Kimberly and Felix are such a great duo in the world of romance! 4 Stars!

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