June 26, 2018

Now Live: SUPERHEROS SUCK by Jamie Zakian {Excerpt/Giveaway}

Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for
Superheroes Suck by Jamie Zakian
presented by Month9Books!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post.
Welcome to Gemini City, where super-battles disrupt rush hour, insurance claim adjusters rival rock stars, and villains stash the souls of murdered superheroes inside little children.
It’s been ten years since Shay Sinclair’s parents were murdered by a super villain, leaving she and her sister to fend for themselves. Now at age sixteen, Shay has something that villain wants. Something he needs. After a chance encounter with a superhero in a stairwell, something awakens in Shay, something that could get her killed.
Max Steel has spent the last ten years searching for one particular soul. Now, a coincidental run-in with Shay Sinclair leaves Max closer than he’s ever been to everything he’s ever wanted. But Max hits a brick wall when he goes after her. Unlike other girls her age, Shay isn’t into superheroes. So, if Max wants to win her over and be reunited with the soul inside her, he must get creative. He invites Shay into a seductive world of fame, glamour, luxury, and epic battles with villainous foes.
Now that Shay's in the mix with superheroes and crazed villains, everyone wants a piece of her. A super villain wants to devour her soul, a superhero wants to love her, and Shay just wants to go back to her normal life. It's not like in the movies. In real life, superheroes suck.
Superheroes Suck by Jamie Zakian Release Date: June 26, 2018 Publisher: Month9Books

This is the opening scene in the first chapter of Superheroes Suck. It's one of my favorite scenes in the book. I think it does a great job of preparing the reader for the type of chaotic, fast-paced story they're in for.
Shay drummed her fingers on the taxi’s vinyl seat as she stared out the window beside her. Flashes of blue lightning lit the tall buildings in the distance, and people ran by the cab in waves. Men with briefcases and women clutching shopping bags pushed and shoved each other in attempts to flee the disturbance a few blocks away.
A boom rattled everything in the car, including the contents of Shay’s stomach, and she turned toward her sister. As always, Evie looked super-professional in her power suit and killer heels. Not one strand of hair strayed from her sister’s tightly wound bun as the woman typed away on her cell phone’s screen. If Evie paid as much attention to her surrounding as she did her appearance, they might not be sitting in the back of a taxi going nowhere during a riotous commotion.
Another crowd of people ran by the taxi. They pointed at the sky while snapping pics of something Shay couldn’t see. She let out a huff, but didn’t gain a reaction from her sister. A loud throat clearing and a nudge to Evie’s arm didn’t work either. Evie’s infatuation with the statistic reports on her cell phone’s screen would go on all night if Shay didn’t take drastic measures.
She brought her lips inches from Evie’s ear, bit back a smile, and yelled, “You’re gonna miss it.”
Evie jumped in her seat. The cell phone slipped from her hand and clanked to the floor. “Rude. Are you sixteen or six?”
“This traffic isn’t going to budge.” Shay picked the fallen cell phone off the sticky floor mat and handed it to Evie. “The superhero spot-it map just dropped a pin on Park and First. The comments say there’s a full-on superhero smack down. It’s only one block over.”
“Right.” Evie tossed a twenty into the front seat. “Thanks, sir. We’ll walk from here.”
Shay waited with her cab door open until Evie nodded at her. Then, she climbed from the car. Evie’s perpetual confidence, and the woman’s unwavering courage, hadn’t transferred into Shay. The panicked screams that echoed off skyscrapers still stung her ears, and the shivers running beneath her skin continued to raise the little hairs on her arms. She ran to Evie’s side. When Evie reached out for her, she automatically latched onto her older sister’s arm.
“You good?” Evie asked in her momish tone.
“Yeah.” Shay yanked her hands off Evie’s arm, then pushed her sister away to cover her scaredy-cat behavior. She turned toward the sounds of an explosion, and face-planted into a hysterical woman’s chest.

The lady didn’t stop her ear-piercing shriek, or slow her mad-dash down the slightly quaking road. Shay jumped to the side to keep from getting mowed over by the frantic woman and banged against the taxi’s side.
Of course, her sister had seen the entire thing. Evie crossed her arms as she looked at Shay with a rather smug expression, and snarky comments brewed within Shay’s mind. Before she could unload them, Evie grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the crowded street.
Together, they ran past the cars lined up on the boulevard, weaved around the many people who stood stunned in the street, and headed toward the flashes of blue light.

Jamie Zakian is a full-time writer who consumes the written word as equally as oxygen. Living in South Jersey with her husband and rowdy family, she enjoys farming, archery, and blazing new trails on her 4wd quad, when not writing of course. She aspires to one day write at least one novel in every genre of fiction.


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