May 9, 2012

Cornerstone Blog Tour {Misty Provencher's Top 10}

Today Misty has stopped by with her answers to my Top 10.
This lady is crazy picky about her seats at certain coffee shops and will make sure you get the death glare if your in her seat. I adore Misty and know you will too.
(psst...#3 is my all time fav answer for any and all Top10's that I have done)

1. fav song/singer?
I want to say The Manilow just to see if the blog readers are paying attention, but the truth is I like EVERYTHING. Rock, Rap, Pop, Country, Classical, Kazoo...I love music. I know I've been listening to Ani Difranco's 32 Flavors and Not A Pretty Girl, a lot lately along with 1,000 Foot Krutch and Castles in Spain. There are so many favorites, I worry about losing you in the avalanche of my list.
2. fav season?
Ohhh...Fall. Hot cocoa moustache season begins. Oh, but Winter is full of homemade bread and I stretch Christmas on for months, I love it so much. And then there's Spring with all the awesome mud puddles and it seems like everything is starting up again and Summer...who can pass up being outside when everything's all warm and green? My favorite season is all of them. I really suck at this favorite list, I think.
3. worst vacation?
Hands down, the worst was the best because we still laugh about it all the time. We had tried out camping and we went to a Yogi Bear "Resort" which looked comparable to Disney on line. There were photos of this luxury clubhouse, a huge pool and the blurb for the place included daily crafts and activities for the kids along with the extra 'Kiddie Land'- a super cool carnival-type park that was connected to the campground and admission was $10 a kid.
But, when we pulled up, we realized pretty quickly that we were embarking on a tragic vacation. The staff were all in their late 70's and grumpy. They gave us a lot which we shared with the park's water pump shed. And then we realized we couldn't extend our awning on our tiny lot AND have a campfire because the awning was positioned right over the fire pit. It was hilarious.
toured the grounds and realized that the luxury clubhouse was actually a wobbly wood shed with a distinct lean to it, the pool heater was broken so the water was about the temp of a 7-11 Slurpee and every couple hours, one of the geriatric staff would bark into a loud speaker, straining their gravely-cigarette-and-booze-aged vocal cords to say: "Come on kids, there's crafts at the clubhouse."
And then we saw Kiddie Land. Carnival of Horrors. We paid the $20 to get the kids in and found a field with a rusty, motorcycle merry-go-round that had lots of nice, sharp edges. There was an ancient, blow-up caterpillar that the kids could run through even though the smell (like a heap of old socks) was intensified in the sun. The blow-up slide would've been fun if it hadn't been 100 degrees out and threatening to remove layers of skin with each slide down the broiling plastic. But then there were the paddle boats- set in a square, metal-enclosed pond. The water was about a foot and a half deep and the same lovely green as my daughter's eyes. Although, her eyes don't have the wildly bright slime floating on top of them.
The other great memory that came all-included in our memorable vacation was the visit from Yogi Bear. Whoever was stuck in the bear suit had to have been cooking in a slow death. It was 100 degrees out and Yogi's fur sent up puffs of dust if you hugged him. My son was sitting across from me and Yogi came up behind him. My son turned, caught one look of the 6 foot, deteriorating Yogi and screamed so hard he fell backward off the bench. Of course, I was a good mother and have the photo evidence of my son's first terrifying encounter with everyone's favorite bear. (I added to the collection a few months later with him screaming in Santa's lap and then trying to bite the Easter Bunny in order to make his escape.)
There were so many other little delicious details to this adventure, but I think you get the gist. Still, even if it was the worst, it's still my favorite. I even have a Yogi ornament on my Xmas tree so we can relive the terror of our memories at least once a year.
It took some time but Misty finally was able to scan the pic for your viewing pleasure.
4. guilty pleasure?
Writing. I love that I can whine to my husband that I have to get this chapter done...and I get to sneak off to a coffee shop or send the kids to aggravate the heck out of their Dad, while I get to crawl inside my story lands with a cup of French Vanilla. Heaven. DON'T TELL.
5. fav book and/or author?
Steinbeck. Wait. Rowling, Meyer, Collins. Wait. Frannie Billingsley, Rae Carson, Lauren DeStefano, Stephanie Perkins. Wait. There's just too many. This is another avalanche waiting to happen all over your blog.
6. one item you cannot live without?
Computer. I take it EVERYWHERE. It's fun in the grocery store.
7. fav food?
Peanut butter. Oh yes. I would eat the treads off my car tires if they were smeared with peanut butter. It's serious.
8. fav movie/actor/actress?
Godfather, Waiting, Slapshot, Parenthood, all the Potter movies (seriously, how did they do them??)
9. pet peeve? Hmm. Being late. I always get where I'm going waaaaay early. And if someone else is late to meet me, I'll panic until they get there. I think I'm the most severely punctual person I know.
10. fictional character you would love to spend the day with? Can I wish for more wishes? I'd like a day with Melinda from SPEAK. What an absolutely cool girl.

OH.MY.GOSH! I am seriously LOL'ing over your vaca. I thought stuff like that only happened to us. Of course you being a writter makes it sound much better than I ever could. Your kid is like 'Dude don't touch me!!' hahahaha {Ah! Tears from laughing so hard.}

Go HERE to see the tour schedule
Get in touch with Misty here...

Cornerstone is only 99cents during the length of the tour.

There is a Grand Prize with some awesome stuff...the more you interact during the tour...the better your chances.
Go HERE to see the prizes


  1. Hahaha...I won't give anybody the death glare, Mandy! I just GET the death glare from the people who believe I'm parked on their spot! I absolutely adore you~ thank you so much for the review and top 10 and being part of the tour. It's a pleasure to know you!!

    1. oh thats right...that lady thought you were in her spot not the other way around. Lenghty Twitter Convo is coming back to me now!!

  2. Too funny! Thanks for sharing your vacation story. If real life is that funny I can't wait to read your book!!
