January 5, 2015

Review/Giveaway: BROKEN NOTES by Ann Marie Frohoff

Title: Broken Notes

Author: Ann Marie Frohoff

Source: eARC from author for review

Being rich, famous and in an award winning, multi-platinum band can't save you from life's tragedies.

When Jake and Alyssa begin to build a life together in New York City, a death and an unfortunate set of events rattle Jake's very existence. Alyssa clings to her own dreams. Jake's blurred take on life may end what they've fought so hard to keep. Will love remain the same?

My take...

Aly is finally graduating high school and can officially begin her life with Jake in New York in their own place. Doubts still plague them both, but they believe that love will be enough to get them through anything. That is until they don't believe it anymore. Truth of the matter is...life is unfair. No matter the struggles they both have overcame in the past...the future will throw more in their way. It is all in how they will handle those obstacles...

If you are expecting a fairy tale...move along. This book is so far removed from the fairy tales Jake and Aly once believed in. Real life is not beautiful all the time. And once the problems start mounting, we see the real Jake and Aly. Sometimes it will be hard to handle.

There were times I wasn't happy with these characters. But it made me love them and the book that much more. I understand people change and need to experience things. I understand that they are no longer the teenagers we first met. So I was able to grasp that they are not going to be the pushovers they were back then either. I had to deal with the grown up (or growing up) version they have turned in to. Like I said, made me love them more. And appreciate them more. Still doesn't mean I have to like their choices.

Such a great ending. I cannot wait to see what comes next for these kids. Don't expect all the answers when this book closes. But do expect a need and a want for the next book in the series. Loved this book so much. 5 Stars!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mandy! I'm stoked you loved Broken Notes! I can't write fast enough to finish the series! The next book, HIGHER OCTAVE (Jake's novella) will release on Feb. 24th & then Book 3 the final installment soon after! yikes!
